

Many articles have been published about Grotti and the great cliffs it has to offer to the most avid mountain climbers, some dating back to the early '90's when the rocky cliffs were discovered. Many believed Grotti might become one of the largest climbing destinations in Italy, but after the initial euphoria, things soon calmed down.

The situation has changed recently though, and new routing activity has begun in earnest with the discovery of a new façade called “La Curva”. 70 new rock-climbing routes have been created here and many established routes at “Grotti Classica” and “Grotti Alta” have been strengthened and rebolted. The entire cliff boasts over 230 rock-climbing routes, with plenty more still to come!

Many of these new climbing routes are significantly easier than the older ones, thus making the cliff more accessible to the wider public. Nevertheless, Grotti remains enormous and you'll never have to queue for a route.




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Sagra 2007